
Grand Central Radio Logo
© 2024 Grandma Communications LLC May 3, 2024 – In Grand Central® Radio podcast Episode No. 11, Dr. Laurel Mines, PT, DPT and OCS, a Doctor in Physical Therapy, mental performance coach, educator and public speaker, based in California, conversed with host Geri Cole and two other grandparents (an experienced grandpa in Florida and a relatively new grandma in Minnesota) about their experiences and suggestions regarding exercise with children by persons in the role of grandparent to promote medical, physical, and mental wellbeing of all.   Their suggestions include: (a) making an exercise plan considering the different ages, stages of...
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Grand Central Radio Logo
 © 2023 Grandma Communications LLC  March 14, 2023 – In Grand Central® Radio podcast Episode No. 10, licensed clinical social workers experienced in assisting children and their caregivers in overcoming severe trauma resulting from such community disasters as 9/11, floods, and displacement and resettlement due to war or other disasters in Central America discussed with host Geri Cole and two other working grandmothers tools and strategies to help children in their care survive trauma and anxiety during and after community disaster when professional mental health and social worker services and – even the Internet – may not be available. Those...
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