Grand Central® Radio Episode No. 9: Introducing Grandchildren to Nature Through Art and to Art Through Nature (March 9, 2022)

Grand Central® Radio
Grand Central® Radio
Grand Central® Radio Episode No. 9: Introducing Grandchildren to Nature Through Art and to Art Through Nature (March 9, 2022)

© 2022 Grandma Communications LLC

Kristin Reiber Harris, an artist/animator/educator committed to visual storytelling about the natural world, host Geri Cole, and four other grandparents, including two other visual artists, discuss engaging and developing appreciation by grandchildren for nature and art, including enjoying nature together and creating parallel nature journals and other collaborative grandparent/grandchild art projects, integrating technological art creation with traditional art media, remaining non-judgmental about grandchildren’s and grandparent’s technical artistic competence and skills, and focusing on their mark-making and creative expressions of their perceptions and feelings in their art, validating their expressions as artists.