Grand Central® Radio Episode No. 6: Relationships Between Grandmothers and Their Daughters and Daughters-in-Law (August 3, 2021)

Grand Central® Radio
Grand Central® Radio
Grand Central® Radio Episode No. 6: Relationships Between Grandmothers and Their Daughters and Daughters-in-Law (August 3, 2021)

© 2021 Grandma Communications LLC

Dr. Bessie Fletcher, clinical psychologist, ordained Chaplain, magazine publisher, radio/television talk show personality focused on mother/daughter bonding, and great-grandmother, discusses with host Geri Cole and three other grandmothers Dr. Bessie’s strategies for developing loving “intra-conversations” and risk-free “honest conversations,” mutual trust and respect, and fulfilling relationships from generation to generation: requesting and receiving private time of mother with daughter or daughter-in-law and permission to give advice and take other action, recognizing and admitting failings, apologizing, forgiving, and giving eye contact and hugs. Geri interviews Dr. Bessie the first 45 minutes and notes takeaways the last 5 minutes. Other grandmothers share their questions and ideas for 25 minutes before the takeaways.