
  • What do grandkids want from their grandparents?
  • Should you offer care for a grandchild if the parents do not ask for it? If so, how often?
  • Generally, when is it better for your grandchild that you babysit in your home instead of the grandchild’s home?
  • When you babysit in your home, should the parents cover any expenses? If so, how much is reasonable under what circumstances? Is there a good way for you to ask the parents?
  • Should you buy anything for your grandchild without the parents’ prior request or approval? If so, what and how much should you buy?
  • Should you ask to attend your grandchild’s school and extra-curricular activities without the parents’ invitation? If so, which activities and how often?
  • Should you attend teacher conferences or see your grandchild’s report cards or school evaluations? If so, when or under what circumstances?
  • Is it okay for you to give advice to your child or your child’s partner about your grandchild? If so, when and what kinds of advice?
  • How can you become a trusted “go to” confidant for your grandchild?
  • Should what happens at Grandma’s or Grandpa’s stay there? When should you keep secrets of or about your grandchild? When should you tell parents, other relatives, or school or governmental authorities?
  • How can you nurture your relationships with your child’s partner and in-laws?
  • How can you help make family gatherings, holidays, and vacations more fun and less stressful for all?
  • Should you discuss religion or politics with your grandchild? If so, when and how? What conversations should you have with parents?
  • How can you manage differences with your child or your child’s partner in religions, attitudes toward religion, and political viewpoints?
  • How can you manage differences with your child or your child’s partner in ethnicity, national origin, or language?
  • How can you nurture your bond with your grandchild? How can you learn what activities or conversations are best for your grandchild?
  • What are your favorite activities with your grandchild?
  • How can you help your grandchild appreciate, respect, and emotionally connect with family and all family members, including you and the grandchild’s parents and siblings?
  • Would your child give you permission to try cannabis if its use were legal in your residence state?  If so, under what circumstances would your child permit you to use cannabis?
  • How can you develop and maintain friendships with contemporaries who are not grandparents or parents?
  • How can you engage a grandchild in exploring his or her heritage and ancestry?
  • What are best practices for handling special challenges of sibling granddaughters?
  • What are best practices for handling special challenges of sibling grandsons?
  • What are best practices for handling special challenges of siblings of different genders?
  • What are best practices for handling special challenges of siblings having large age differences?
  • What are the unique challenges of grandparents who are or were in the USA Armed Forces or children of members of the USA Armed Forces on active duty?